Locations & dealers

Find the right dealer in your area

Are you looking for a reliable dealer for our products in your country? We will help you find the right dealer in your region. Simply fill in the required fields and our team will contact you immediately to put you in touch with the ideal dealer.

DIAMANT Polymer GmbH

Marie-Bernays-Ring 3a
41199 Mönchengladbach

Tel: +49 2166 9836-0


Green Sedayu Bizpark Cakung
Jl. Green Sedayu 8A No. 31
Cakung Timur, Jakarta 13910

Tel: +62 2955 7591

DIAMANT Triumph Metallplastic Pvt. Ltd.

65/6, Sarjapour Main Road
560102 Bangalore

Tel: +91 80 22580371

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over 0

Become part of the DIAMANT family

We are constantly looking for new dealers to expand our network and improve the availability of DIAMANT products and services around the world.

Our DIAMANT dealer network is based on co-operation and fair dealings between manufacturers, distributors and customers. In addition to convincing products, we offer our co-operation partners a comprehensive training and further education programme. In addition to top quality, you can also expect fast and targeted technical support from us.

Have we aroused your interest? Can you imagine working with us as a dealer, sales representative or industry partner? Then please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

We would be happy to convince you of our products, services and values in a personal meeting.

Your contact person

Mr. Carsten Kunde

Phone: +49 (0) 2166 – 98360
Telefax: +49 (0) 2166 – 83025
E-Mail: info@diamant-polymer.de

Mr. Carsten Kunde

Do you have any questions?

I am happy to support you.

Mr. Erkan Polat

You have any questions?

I am happy to support you.