Repair made easy with DIAMANT moglice

The moglice sliding lining is a key part of our extensive product portfolio. This polymer, which has proven itself in mechanical engineering for slideways, is now also being used by a very large customer for the repair of printing cylinders.

In addition to the usual can containers, moglice is also available in the user-friendly 2-component ready-to-use cartridge system, which ensures ease of use, eliminates mixing errors and protects the user from contact with the polymer.

Cylinder tube core shooter
In the application described here, the repair company coats the inside of cylinder tubes of hydraulic cylinders that are used on core shooters for foundry technology. The cylinder tubes have an internal diameter of approx. 200 mm and a length of approx. 600 mm.

In day-to-day operation, the running surfaces for the piston in the cylinder barrel wear, so that regular maintenance is necessary.

To reduce production costs, the repair store decided against conventional repair methods and opted for coating with moglice.

Conventional repair methods require high-precision, time-consuming and expensive processing of the worn cylinder barrel.

For coating with moglice, the inner surface of the cylinder is only roughly spindled out and cleaned. For the simple application of moglice, the injection technique with the ready-to-use cartridge was chosen. Here, the 2-component epoxy resin sliding coating is automatically mixed correctly when it is pressed out in a static mixing spiral and pressed into a prepared cavity while still liquid. The cavity was prepared in such a way that a gap of approx. 2 mm was set between the master piston and the inner surface of the cylinder tube by means of a precisely manufactured master piston, which was inserted into the cylinder tube and sealed. The master piston is coated with a release agent before being inserted into the barrel to ensure that the polymer moglice does not adhere to the piston but only to the clean, grease and oil-free inner surface of the cylinder barrel.

The sliding lining polymer is injected through 3 prepared holes to fill the gap evenly. The pot life, i.e. the processing time window, of approx. 45 minutes is more than long enough to completely fill the gap between the master cylinder and the cylinder barrel. The injected polymer is cured after 24 hours, so that a hydraulic press can be used to

Repair sliding surface hydraulic cylinder
the master piston can be pressed out, i.e. demolded.

As the surface of the master piston is now molded with high precision in mirror image, no reworking of the surface is required. The hardened moglice sliding lining system can be machined conventionally so that the grooves required for a lubrication system can be easily made.

The clear cost advantage of using moglice is a significant factor for the repairer in terms of end customer satisfaction and long-term customer loyalty.


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Mr. Carsten Kunde

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Mr. Erkan Polat

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