Renewed approval for the Liquid-Shim®- DIAMANT MM1018

Mönchengladbach, 19.1.2023 - Die DIAMANT Polymer GmbH, Spezialist für Polymere, Verbundmaterialien und lmprägniermittel, hat erneut die allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung für die beiden Produkte MM1018P und MM1018FL erhalten. Für die Anwendung in Baustellen heißt das: Das flüssige bzw. pastöse Zweikomponenten- Reaktionsharzsystem erfüllt nachweislich alle Voraussetzungen für den sicheren Einsatz an Brücken- und Stahlbauwerken.

MM1018 P and MM1018 FL can be used to easily compensate for unevenness, gaps and out-of-tolerance joints in steel components. The tried and tested
product “made in Germany” is also known as a “liquid lining sheet” and quickly creates a force-fit and form-fit connection between steel components. The general building authority approval is issued by the German Institute for Building Technology (DiBT). Before a construction product or type is granted general technical approval, the individual components undergo a rigorous and extensive testing and inspection procedure. The focus is on safety and effectiveness. Detailed instructions and specifications for practical use are part of the building authority approval. In relation to MM1018, for example, this means that the two-component reactive resin system can be used for gap sizes from 0.25 to 10 mm and that the service temperature range of the cured metal polymer can be between -20 °C and 50 °C. It is recommended that the application be carried out by trained specialists.
by trained specialists.

Successful use worldwide
The great advantage of MM1018 compared to conventional steel lining sheets is that MM1018 always fits in every situation and does not need to be mechanically processed or adjusted. This saves time and costs during installation and enables smooth building acceptance. The end user can completely dispense with the often lengthy and cost-intensive repair using mechanical lining plates. MM1018 is therefore a real game changer in the steel industry.


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Polymersystem MM1018
Figure 1: The MM1018 polymer system from DIAMANT is a top-class liquid lining sheet and the innovative solution for non-positive tolerance compensation in steel and bridge construction. The two-component reactive resin system can be used as a paste or liquid and can be filled or injected.

Internal contact:
DIAMANT Polymer GmbH
Anja Classen
+49 (0)2166 9836 16

External contact:
Kristiane Guth
+49 (0)2154 88852 0


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