Drinking water approval in accordance with current EU law for dichtol WFT impregnating and sealing agents

Mönchengladbach, August 2022 – Die DIAMANT Polymer GmbH, Spezialist für Polymere, Verbundmaterialien und Imprägniermittel, hat die Trinkwasserzulassung für das Imprägnier- und Versiegelungsmittel dichtol WFT erneuert. Das Testat, das vom Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets erstellt wurde, belegt: Der Werkstoff erfüllt aus mikrobiologischer Sicht die Anforderungen gemäß der Förderung des mikrobakteriellen Wachstums nach DIN 16421. Anders formuliert: dichtol WFT kann problem- und folgenlos mit Trinkwasser in Kontakt kommen.

dichtol WFT is a very low-viscosity, high-performance polymer that is applied atmospherically without the use of a vacuum. The ready-to-use product penetrates porous structures and cracks independently and seals them permanently and reliably. No special heat is required for curing. The capillary-active impregnating agent offers a temperature resistance of up to +300°C and has good resistance to oils, lubricants and coolants.

The product, which has been used successfully for many years, can be injected, sprayed and brushed, and the workpieces to be treated can also be immersed. Due to the wide range of possible applications, dichtol WFT can be used in a wide variety of areas. They range from the impregnation of metals, cast parts and castings to the sealing of thermally sprayed layers (sealers for APS, HVOF, LDS, flame spraying) and the infiltration of 3D-printed components (SLS).


Measurement of the biofilm

In order to determine the effect of dichtol WFT on water, the experts at the Hygiene Institute in Gelsenkirchen carried out the test procedure in accordance with DIN 16421 2015-5. This is entitled “Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption” and is usually implemented in two variants. In this case, a “measurement of the volume of the biofilm” was carried out.

As part of this test arrangement, 40 ceramic tiles treated with dichtol WFT were rinsed with running water at a temperature of between 10.8 and 11.4 degrees Celsius for three months and the microbacterial growth was then checked. The results of the test series showed the reliability and accuracy of the formulation used. From a microbiological point of view, there are no reservations against the use of dichtol WFT in conjunction with drinking water and foodstuffs.

Internal contact:
DIAMANT Polymer GmbH
Anja Classen
+49 (0)2166 9836 16

External contact:
Kristiane Guth
+49 (0)2154 88852 0


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