Environmental certification successfully completed

Mönchengladbach, 15.12.2021 - Die DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH, einer der europaweit führenden Dienstleister für Polymer-Lösungen, hat eine weitere wichtige internationale Zertifizierung erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Von der TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH erhielt das Mönchengladbacher Unternehmen die Bestätigung, dass ein Umweltmanagementsystem nach den Vorgaben der ISO 14001:2015 eingeführt wurde. Mit dem Zertifikat wird von neutraler Seite belegt, dass im Unternehmen nachhaltig und umweltbewusst agiert wird.

In order to obtain certification in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, companies must undergo an extensive testing and documentation procedure. This is carried out by an external testing company, usually TÜV. The focus of the procedure, also known as an audit, is the question of whether and which binding processes exist in the company in order to conserve resources or save energy. Particular emphasis is placed on consistent documentation, regular reviews of effectiveness and successful internal communication. An information letter from the TÜV states: “Clarity about environmental goals, processes and responsibilities in the environmental management system will raise the environmental awareness of your employees”.


Proof of good work

For Carsten Kunde, one of the managing directors of the specialist service provider with 30 employees, the certification is both praise and an incentive: “The successful ISO 14001:2015 certification proves that we are doing the right thing in the area of environmental protection and environmentally-oriented action and that the topic is a high priority for management”. According to Kunde, customers around the world can be sure that not only are all environmental regulations recorded, evaluated and continuously complied with, but that the entire workforce is constantly aware of the need to protect the environment.


Diverse environmental measures

The measures taken by DIAMANT Polymer GmbH to reduce the impact on the environment include energy-saving production processes, strict waste avoidance and the use of environmentally friendly filling material in packaging. There are also plans to convert the company’s lighting to LED and gradually introduce hybrid and electric vehicles.


Internal contact:
DIAMANT Polymer GmbH
Anja Classen
+49 (0)2166 9836 16

External contact:
Kristiane Guth
+49 (0)2154 88852 0


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Mr. Carsten Kunde

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Mr. Erkan Polat

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