Sales partner wanted for “gamechanger product MM1018”

Mönchengladbach, August 2022 – Die DIAMANT Polymer GmbH, Spezialist für Polymere, Verbundmaterialien und Imprägniermittel, sucht technische Händler für den deutschlandweiten Vertrieb ihres Erfolgs-Produktes MM1018. Als „Flüssiges Futterblech®“ bezeichnet, gleicht es Spalte, Klaffungen und andere Fehler an Stahlverbindungen einfach und schnell aus und ersetzt damit die bislang genutzten „mechanischen Futterbleche“. Laut dem neuen Vertriebsleiter des Unternehmens, Erkan Polat, sind besonders Vertriebspartner gewünscht, die Kunden im Bereich Stahl-, Brücken-, Kran-, Wasser-, Silo-, Anlagen- und Hallenbau sowie im Maschinenbau haben. Aber auch die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen, die Schlossereien oder kleinere Montagebetriebe beliefern, ist erwünscht.

The MM1018 liquid lining sheet is a real game changer in the steel industry. It compensates for unevenness and gaps in the joints of steel components easily and safely. Its major advantage over conventional steel lining sheets is that it always fits in every situation and does not need to be mechanically processed or adjusted. It is an all-purpose weapon, so to speak, for eliminating tolerance overruns and gaps. This saves time and costs during installation and enables smooth building acceptance. Best of all, MM1018 has general technical approval from the German Institute for Structural Engineering and is recommended by the Association for Roadway Expansion Joints and Bearings (VHFL) for the installation of bridge bearings.


No more lengthy and cost-intensive repairs

Sales Manager Erkan Polat: “The end user can completely dispense with the time-consuming and cost-intensive repair using mechanical lining plates. The range of applications also speaks for MM1018. It is the ideal ‘door opener’ for a wide range of customer groups.” Logistics is another plus: “Our sales partners benefit from a secure supply chain thanks to production in Mönchengladbach and delivery from Germany and Europe,” says Polat.

Another argument in favor of cooperation is the marketing support. As the name DIAMANT Polymer is known to many leading companies in the industry, the new sales partners can become active in a “prepared field”. Support is also provided by the sophisticated marketing program including flyers, brochures and market development. In this way, all companies involved in construction tenders are informed independently and proactively. The company is also active at specialist conferences and trade fairs. If this results in a demand for MM1018, the dealer can deliver directly.


Own distribution to date

MM1018 has been used successfully in more than a thousand projects since 1995. Until now, DIAMANT Polymer has distributed the product itself. The reason for this was that the need for the “Liquid Lining Sheet®” often arose at short notice during the assembly of the components and therefore the customers were supplied themselves. There were also very good, direct relationships with the companies and the desire to gather as much experience and application examples as possible.

Currently, however, the large number of inquiries and the associated logistics are presenting the company with ever greater organizational challenges. “We are more of a company that focuses on the development of customer-specific solutions in the polymer sector and also operates our own research department for this purpose,” says Sales Manager Polat. “We are convinced that a comprehensive, regional dealer network can better meet the demand of our customers. The fact that our product is fully developed and very easy to describe also speaks in favor of dealer sales.”

Internal contact:
DIAMANT Polymer GmbH
Anja Classen
+49 (0)2166 9836 16

External contact:
Kristiane Guth
+49 (0)2154 88852 0


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